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What is My Skin Type?

Knowing how to differentiate skin types will help you decide suitable choices for healthier and more balanced skin. Here are a few tips to help distinguish your skin type:

1. Normal Skin

It is healthy skin with a normal balance of water and oil which helps the horny layer maintain a state of full moisture. Normal skin is often considered the most ideal skin type and is easiest to care.

You can feel the skin with gentle moisture, not too dry and not too greasy. The skin doesn't seem to have had a significant change compared to the time when the face was washed. You can use your washed hands and then touch your face to check for oiliness or moisture. It is better to use oil blotting paper to check if the oil absorbent paper is dampened slightly, not soaked, in oil and your skin feels healthy. These are the signs of healthy and balanced skin.

2. Oily Skin

Oily, shiny, large pores, and acne prone skin is usually characteristic of oily skin types. This skin type is more common in men than women, especially during puberty because of the activity of male sex hormones. Stress, excessive stomach activity, or hot and humid climates also makes one more prone to oily skin types.

You can use your hand to feel your face for excessive oil as this skin type is easy to see. Washing excess oil off your face may be only temporary because after a few hours, using the hand test may result in more excessive oil. Use oil blotting paper to help measure oiliness. If the oil blotting paper has noticeable oil, it is a good indication that your skin is producing more oil than necessary.

3. Dry Skin

The dry skin type will find the skin surface a bit tense and a subtle feeling of dehydration. Some may show signs of peeling skin in some areas with a rough skin surface lacking shine. When applying lotion, dry skin absorbs moisture more quickly than other skin types, somewhat like a sponge that is dry for a long time. When testing with oil absorbent paper, you will see that the paper is mostly clean and dry or the amount of oil is insignificant. These are common signs of your skin lacking moisture.

4. Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is usually prone to flaking especially in cold or dry climates. The skin is quite thin and often the blood vessels are visible under the skin. Because the skin is weaker than normal skin types and more sensitive to the sun, unprotected sun exposure may result in redness and irritation.

In general, sensitive skin types are often prone to irritation. When the weather changes, lifestyle habits, or even a change in water source, may will cause sensitive skin to itch. This skin is very picky when using skin care or cosmetics and may only use certain products specifically for sensitive skin.

5. Mature Skin

We often think the skin is aging when we turn 30 and onwards. In reality, the skin is affected by many external factors such as weather, environment, or physical activity levels. Even when young, your skin may begin to show maturing signs. Some common ways to recognize mature, or maturing, skin are a loss of youthful skin tone, obvious dark circles and puffiness under the eyes, or drooping eyelids. When these signs are showing, it may indicate that your skin needs proper skin care steps to recover.

6. Combination Skin:

Combination skin is quite difficult for you to recognize, the word "combination" itself describes two or more of all the mentioned skin type. Skin is sometimes dry, some is oily, usually dry on the cheeks, but Oil on the forehead, nose and chin again. The combinations are many and varies from person to person.

People with combination skin are more prone to acne and larger pores. Distinguishing types of combination skin are usually divided into 2 types:

  • Oil-oriented mixture: Most of your face is oily, concentrated in the forehead, nose, chin, 2 cheeks. The rest of the skin is normal or dry.

  • Dry mixture: Dry combination skin only has a small portion of the oily face, usually still in the T-zone but with a smaller range. Much of the remainder is dry, especially the cheeks, the jawbone.

The test is also quite simple, you should use an oil absorbent paper to check the cheeks, forehead, nose, and chin. If you see more oil than the rest of the skin, you are likely to have sensitive skin. Additionally, if you have acne that appears only in areas such as cheeks, forehead, nose, or chin, you may also have a combination skin type.

These are the basic steps to identifying your skin type. Everyone can finish some quick tests to recognize one’s own skin and in turn, find the right skin care.

In my next blog, I would like to help guide the simple skin care steps, suitable for each skin type. Please do not worry, it will be very simple and will not take much time. Drawn from my own experience after three decades of working, experiencing, and exploring, you will find it highly applicable. See you next time!

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